Real Madrid have come under scrutiny due to accusations of financial misconduct and environmental infractions. This comes in regard to the use of public funds and noise pollution at the newly renovated Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. Now, a former Supreme Court judge has publicly criticized the club’s financial dealings and the environmental impact of its activities. That judge claims the club is engaging in financial doping through the use of public resources.

The new Santiago Bernabeu Stadium is a major source of noise pollution, according to Jose Antonio Martin Pallin. Real Madrid had planned to host a series of concerts at the stadium. That has become a key economic driver for the club. However, due to a wave of noise complaints from local residents, several concerts have been canceled. Additionally, the club has rescheduled them for the following summer.

According to Pallin, the noise generated by these events could pose a serious legal issue for the club. “Noise is a crime against the environment,” he said during an appearance on TVE. He referenced rulings from the Court of Strasbourg and other judicial bodies. They have previously ruled on environmental crimes related to noise pollution. He added that the responsibility for the situation ultimately lies with Madrid’s mayor, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida. “Responsibility will have to be transferred to the mayor. Hopefully, there will be a truce, and let’s see if they correct it.”

Pallin expressed skepticism about the possibility of mitigating the noise issue, describing it as “unfeasible to soundproof” the stadium. He explained that technical experts working on the project have confirmed that adequate soundproofing measures would be impossible to implement.

Accusations of financial doping

In addition to the environmental concerns, Pallin leveled even more serious accusations at Real Madrid regarding their financial operations. He suggested that the club has been using public funds to support projects that go beyond soccer. This could potentially violate UEFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations. His most significant criticism centered on Los Blancos’ management of a car park connected to the Bernabeu.

The parking facility, which is under the management of Real Madrid Estadio—a subsidiary of the club—generates significant profits for the club. However, the project has drawn controversy due to the involvement of public funds. The Madrid City Council committed to investing $6.7 million in the construction of the car park. It will then lease it to Real Madrid for 40 years. The deal can yield over $558 million in profits, raising concerns about the fairness and legality of the arrangement.

“Real Madrid is doping with public money, with parking and with activities that are not football and sports,” Pallin said during the interview. He added that this type of financial activity could lead to sanctions from UEFA, as it may violate Financial Fair Play regulations. UEFA’s FFP rules prevent clubs from gaining an unfair financial advantage through external funding sources that are not directly related to soccer operations.

Legal challenges from local residents

The planned construction of the underground car park has also faced opposition from local residents. A syndicate of neighbors has formed to contest the awarding of the contract for the car park and the construction of the facility itself. They have raised concerns about the validity of the planning permission process. Neighbors argue the studies necessary for such a project were not adequate. Additionally, they question whether the car park serves any legitimate public utility, given its clear financial benefits to the club.

The local opposition to the project has led to legal challenges, with the syndicate taking the matter to court. This adds yet another layer of complexity to the situation, as Real Madrid face potential legal battles on multiple fronts—both from local residents and possibly from UEFA if the financial doping allegations gain traction.