CBS is bringing another new show, Kickin’ It, to its free-to-stream CBS Sports Golazo Network. The show features Kate Abdo alongside Clint Dempsey, Maurice Edu and Charlie Davies. Rather than providing their usual CONCACAF international competition coverage, the foursome is taking a more conversational approach to talking about the beautiful game.

On Kickin’ It, the group is going to share their authentic stories to have in-depth conversations about their experiences in soccer. Moreover, they will feature guests on the show who are among the most recognized names in the sport. For example, Thierry Henry, USMNT goalkeeper Matt Turner and USMNT icon Jozy Altidore are among the names to feature early on.

Henry is the focal point of the two-part opening for the show that debuts on Sep. 20. CBS is debuting its official trailer for the program on Wednesday during its US Open Cup coverage at 6 p.m. ET. That game between Inter Miami and FC Cincinnati is also streaming on the free-to-use CBS Sports Golazo Network. Coverage is also available on Paramount+.

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This four-person crew is a familiar sight to those who watch CBS’s coverage of CONCACAF competitions. Each of them was behind the desk and on location for the CONCACAF Nations League Finals. In fact, that is how the camaraderie between the crew developed over the years.

CBS making another move with Kickin’ It available for free

The CBS Sports Golazo Network is quickly becoming a necessary tool for soccer fans in the United States. Not only does the free channel have several studio shows, but it also has live broadcasts of games. Morning Footy and Box 2 Box are the daily shows. Attacking Third airs three times per week.

Kickin’ It brings a casual take on coverage to give a more personal look at the sport. CBS has an impressive crew that is experienced both on the field and in the TV world. Then, when it adds in some of the special guests lined up, it is even more desirable to watch.

Plus, with the live broadcasts of games, including the US Open Cup semifinals and final, the CBS Sports Golazo Network is a necessary tool for the American soccer fan.