Profit and Sustainability | Today news

ALL POSTS TAGGED "Profit and Sustainability"


/ 6 days ago

City face darker clouds: Hacker plots to prove 115 FFP breaches

New information from the hacker responsible for the 'Football Leaks' controversy has cast a deeper shade on Manchester City's reign as Premier League champions. Rui Pinto has handed over five hard drives filled with millions of documents to French and German authorities. These documents, Pinto claims, contain information that could be of "criminal relevancy" against […]


/ 8 days ago

Chelsea, Everton, Villa join forces to combat PSR issues

Chelsea, Everton and Aston Villa are working together in attempting to avoid potential profit and sustainability rules (PSR) violations. Current laws in place bar all top English clubs from exceeding $133 million in losses over a three-year period. Two teams, Everton and Nottingham Forest, previously violated these rules, were charged, and then given points penalties. […]