ALL POSTS TAGGED "bbc" - Page 3


/ 5997 days ago

EPL Talk Featured In The New York Times

If you're visiting EPL Talk after reading the article in The New York Times or International Herald Tribune, welcome. The goal of EPL Talk is to provide you with daily news and analysis of the Premier League.  We have a team of more than a dozen writers who bring a unique perspective on the world's […]

Leagues: EPL

/ 6032 days ago

Why Sky Sports News Sucks

Thought for the day: If you were an alien that landed on earth and were forced to watch the Sky Sports News program "Through The Night," would you know that the biggest sporting event in the world waa taking place, the one that happens only once every four years, the summer Olympic games? The answer […]


/ 6045 days ago

Appearance On BBC Radio 5 & World Football Phone-In Show

For those of you who may have missed it, I had the pleasure of being on the BBC this past weekend for more than two hours. For the first five minutes, I was interviewed by BBC Five Live's Dotun Adebayo about my new book, the free EPL travel guide entitled In Pursuit Of Real Football. […]


/ 6048 days ago

BBC Five Live Radio Interview Tonight

Good news. I'm scheduled to be interviewed tonight at 9:20pm ET (2:20am GMT) on BBC Radio Five Live on the topic of EPL Talk's free EPL travel guide. Dotun Adebayo, host of the World Football Phone-In Show, will be conducting the interview a few minutes before the phone-in show starts.Listen to the interview live on […]


/ 6079 days ago

Euro 2008 Coverage Has Failed To Match The Tournament

Having watched most of Euro 2008 spread out between the BBC and ITV I have come to the conclusion that both channels need a major shake up in the ways they cover sport. Both sides irritate people with different aspects of their coverage, for example they both need some new pundits and co-commentators in because […]


/ 6087 days ago

Euro 2008 Coverage By Sky Sports Is Pathetic

Right now, football fans throughout Europe and around the world are riveted to Euro 2008. But if you've watched "Through The Night" the past few days, you'll have noticed that Sky Sports has led with different stories and relegated Euro 2008 news to the second or third stories of the night. While Sky Sports doesn't […]


/ 6106 days ago

BBC Launches Euro 2008 Blog

There are only 11 days (or 264 hours) between now and the beginning of Euro 2008, and it all seems a lot like World Cup 2006 all over again.To me, World Cup 2006 was the zenith of soccer coverage on the Internet. I watched all of the matches on a daily basis from my desktop […]


/ 6107 days ago

Tim Vickery Interview

Episode 105 features an interview with Tim Vickery, one of the most astute writers on the topic of South American football and a co-host of the BBC World Football Phone-In Show as well as writer for World Soccer Magazine and Sports Illustrated. Vickery has lived in Brazil since 1994. His knowledge of South American football […]