ALL POSTS TAGGED "Sportscenter"


/ 743 days ago

Wrexham to appear on ESPN SportsCenter and NFL Countdown

Wrexham fever is spreading across the United States in anticipation of Sunday's FA Cup game against Sheffield United. So much so that Wrexham will be on ESPN SportsCenter. There's no doubt that American soccer fans find Wrexham compelling, but ESPN plans to amp up the excitement Sunday with wall-to-wall coverage. Beginning Sunday at 9AM, ESPN's […]


/ 5814 days ago

Why Can't ESPN Pronounce English Soccer Terms Correctly?

Forgiving the Gaffer’s scheduling criticisms, ESPN mostly has been wonderful for soccer promotion in the U.S..  Top goals are making the top-ten plays.  Sportscenter features highlight reels.  Yesterday’s Real Madrid-Liverpool match, though it was not the greatest testament, featured on the flagship network.  Much has been done, and the burgeoning community of soccer fans is, […]