Curious who has the most expensive tickets to watch Premiership football? Some of the answers may surprise you. EPL Talk researched all 20 teams and found that Arsenal is, by far, the most expensive, Liverpool is very affordable in contrast, while Wigan is downright cheap.

Here’s the comparison of Premiership tickets. Note that all prices are in British pounds, and that most clubs price matches based on different categories. The highest price category is typically for when the home team plays Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool.

Converting these prices to American dollars, the most expensive seat at an Arsenal category A match is $184. Arsenal deems the following opposition as category A: Chelsea, Liverpool, Man United, Spurs and West Ham.

Out of all of the above teams, the prices for Wigan, Watford, Middlesbrough and Charlton are not completely indicative of prices throughout the season. For example, Wigan’s prices mentioned above are the heavily discounted rate that the fans now pay. I couldn’t find the prices for their regular season tickets. Watford, Charlton and Middlesbrough web sites didn’t include ticket prices for the season. Instead, above I included ticket prices for upcoming matches involving those home sides.

I should also note that all ticket prices shown above are for adult non-members.

Tickets to watch Liverpool hover around the $64 mark, which is very competitive compared to other clubs. You have to wonder, though, if American owners Gillett Jr. and Hicks will raise prices for next season. Aston Villa prices, too, are pretty competitive. Will Randy Lerner increase ticket prices next season?

Please share your thoughts on the above chart showing EPL ticket prices per club. I’m interested to your get opinion regarding which clubs are ripping fans off, or if the prices are fair for the action on the pitch.