Since the EPL Talk Podcast has moved to a daily schedule in the past four weeks, we’ve had a ton of high-profile guests on the show and I hope you agree that we definitely have the best selection of interviews anywhere on the web.

But, we’d like to hear from you to get a sense for what you thought were the best interviews during the past month. Please go ahead and vote below. And feel free to add comments to help give us a better indication of what type of guests you’d like to hear in the future as well as any other feedback you may have.

Be sure not to miss a single episode of the EPL Talk Podcast, the only Premier League interview show on the Internet. We have a long list of high-profile guests scheduled over the next weeks each with their own fascinating stories to tell. Subscribe to the EPL Talk Podcast via iTunes or visit EPL Talk or the archives for the latest episodes.

Which was your favorite guest on the EPL Talk Podcast?(survey software)